Monday, May 30, 2011

Olivia's Birthday Week!

Olivia's Birthday Week!

Olivia turned 4 on May 16th. She had a week long celebration. She started off with a trip to Build a Bear with her friend Arnav. Barbie took them to pick out new animals followed by Mcdonalds. She came home with Cleopatra that also sings a Happy Birthday song. She had her official Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. She had a wonderful time with her cousins and friends running wild, playing games, eating cake and she even got to try out the new "ticket blaster". She needed a little support in the ticket blaster but did a great job and scooped up lots of tickets. We had a girls day on her birthday. We had lunch with our friend Barbie followed my manicures and pedicures. She loved getting her fingers and toes painted. Then we headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner with Grandma, Andy the Armadillo, and Arnav. She sat on the saddle and everyone gave her a big Texas yee haw! She loved it. We spent the next day making cupcakes to take to her class and share with her school friends. So she had just one more celebration at school too! She had a wonderful Birthday week and sends her hugs to everyone who was a part of her celebration!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The last days of April and the beginning of May

The last of April brought more rain. We have been playing outside in between the rain drops as much as we can. We have been to the mall a few times shopping for spring and summer clothes and playing on the indoor playground while we are there. Olivia went to Ady's birthday party at Landon's Corner, she had so much fun. They had music, games, face painting and a balloon artist. We spent the night in Celina with Grandpa and Great Grandma. We went to Aunt Marty's for dinner and to hang out with cousin Lily. Olivia keeps asking when are we going back to GG's house. She always has fun with GG. Olivia thought she would start her month with a round of croup followed by a bilater ear infection. Hopefully she will be feeling better in time for her birthday weekend!