Friday, February 25, 2011

February 25

It's snowing again so another day in the house. Olivia has started playing more by herself and loves to play Toy Story with her animals. She runs around the house "whistling" which is her fingers in her mouth and a loud shrill yell for Bullseye to help save Woody from The evil Dr. Porkchop. She usually is dragging her slinky dog behind which makes lots of extra noise on top of the whistling. I asked her if she wanted ham for a snack last night and she told me "sure mom that's groovy" I'm pretty sure that is what Ken says frequently in her favorite movie Toy Story. Last night was swimming lessons. They got the life jackets out and practiced swimming in the river with the jackets on. Olivia kept getting too far ahead and the teachers had to swim after her to catch up and grab her. Tonight was going to be a swimming night but think we will try for next Friday due to the weather. Off to make some cupcakes now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hal and Lisa's Wedding Reception

Hal and Lisa, Pat and Marty, Aaron, Molly and Lilly, Megan and Cory and Sam

Me and Uncle Pat

The weekend of February 18th

Olivia and I headed to Dayton for my cousin Hal's wedding reception. Hal and Lisa were married in West Virginia earlier in the month. We met some of our family at the hotel and headed out for a bite to eat and then off to the American Legion. Olivia had a great time playing with her cousin, Lilly and all of the other kids at the reception. She danced like crazy and spent a lot of time at the candy buffet! Uncle Pat tried to dance with Olivia but she told him she was busy dancing with the girls. Aunt Marty taught Olivia some new words thanks to Cory..... and all the girls attempted a few line dances. Uncle Pat and Aunt Pat looked great and did a wonderful job at the reception. Everyone had a great time! We took Olivia and Lilly swimming in the morning before heading out. They both spent more time in the hot tub (which was actually not much warmer than the pool) playing with the bubbles. Then we were heading home in the freezing rain.

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 16th and 17th

It's been a heat wave here, in  the 60's. We have been taking walks, playing outside and even playing in the sandbox. We spent the day at Easton, throwing coins in the fountain and window shopping. We ate lunch outside and enjoyed the sunshine. Olivia has been watching Beauty and the Beast. We attempted to watch it once this past fall but she was not a fan of the beast. Now she wants to watch it and covers her head with the blanket during the Beast's temper tantrums! I think it is like a teenager watching a scary movie. She is off packing her suitcase right now, we are heading to Dayton tomorrow for my cousin Hal's wedding party. So far she has packed Jessie and Buzz Lightyear, a horse, her Tangled dress and a puzzle. Who knows what else will end up in the suitcase.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Party 2011

The week of Valentines

It has been a crazy and busy week. We have been running non-stop. A day spent with Grandma, Emily and Ian. A visit from Grandpa. A visit from Jess and Brian. A Valentines party at school. This included a pinata and way too much candy and sweets! I finally found the Wii game I bought for Olivia for Christmas so tonight after gymnastics we spent an hour Dancing for kids. Pretty sure we did The Wiggles song about 5 times in a row!! We had the some chocolate covered strawberries tonight, I was trying to sneak in some fruit. Olivia may be the only one I have seen eat all the chocolate off of a strawberry and not one bite of the fruit! Tomorrow is a school day, working on the letter U. She is taking her unicorn to school for show and tell on Thursday.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 6th to 10th

We had a busy couple days with my work schedule changes, trying to catch up. Olivia started her week off by letting me know that "boys like hockey" She is full of information that someday someone may need. I told her that some girls like hockey too but she just gave me a look that said sure right and moved on. Her dad came in on Monday and emptied his pockets, he handed her the change, told her she could put it in her piggy bank. She responded "Did you say a bad word dad" So funny, We have been paying for our bad words so now she just thinks if there is money involved someone must have said a bad word too. She earned her new yoshi backpack this week for good behavior at gymnastics and swimming classes. Not quite ready to move up in gymnastics but will be moving up in swimming. I was watching the tadpole class tonight..... makes me a little nervous that she will be in that class. Our friend Jess is in town so hopefully we will get to spend some time with her before she heads out. Dinner on Saturday and maybe some more time too!

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 6th and 7th

I started off my day with a vehicle that wouldn't get me home from work so off to dealership in a tow truck and then finally home. Olivia asked me when I finally made it home if my car was broke, I told her it was and she asked me if it was a long walk home! She always makes me laugh. We are watching Toy Story 2 for the ummm 100th time or so after reading mulitple Little Miss series books. Tomorrow is gymnastics so she can run off some of her extra energy! Hopefully the snow stops soon.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5th

Another lazy day. We woke up to freezing rain, it looked nasty out so we stayed in and played camp out all morning. We watched freezing rain and snow throughout the morning from our window. We finally did get motivated and headed out for dinner and then to Chuck E Cheese for a special treat. Olivia loves Chuck E Cheese so she spent lots of time playing in the tunnel, riding the rides and playing games. She cashed in her tickets for a rubber snake, shark and some tooties rolls!

February 4th

Olivia had her recheck of her ears today, she is cleared, no more infection! We celebrated by stopping at Barnes and Noble to shop for a new book and play with Thomas the train. She picked a couple more of the Mr and Miss series. This is her new favorite. So now we have read Mr. Happy and Miss Chatterbox multiple times. I think Miss Chatterbox was written after the author met Olivia. We also went swimming in the evening. Olivia misses open swim and now she can practice her swim skills to for next session in the Tadpole class. We swam for almost 2 hours and spent most of that swimming in the "vortex" She really picks up speed in the current. She played tag with the kids and held her own considering the kids that were swimming were all 5 and older. She is a little fish! Now off to brave the cold and wait and see how much more snow and ice we will get this weekend.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 2nd

Olivia again gets to stay home from school due to the cold, ice and winds. She is excited about this. We have some pancakes for breakfast and immediately starts in "is it time to play Wii yet" so we start with her famous camp out and then move on to Wii. Another quiet day at home and off to work for me tonight!

February 3 morning

Olivia is heading back to school today after a few days off, she is not pleased with this. She says please lets just stay home today and play Wii. She is definitely becoming more of a homebody after being home more in the past 2 weeks then ever!!! Today is Show and Tell day for the letter "S" So we pack up her sheriffs badges and snoopy for her and daddy to head off to class.

February 3rd

So today we had swimming lessons. Olivia is in the Guppy class. This is her 2nd time in the Guppy class. She recently advanced from the Goldfish class. Now today she gets her interim report and she is advancing yet again next session to the tadpoles! So it looks like she will be playing with the 5 year olds now in swimming class :O  We may go celebrate tomorrow night for open swim and some practice!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1st

So today our world is covered in ice. Olivia's dog Bailey slid down the driveway like a speed skater this morning. We are again in for the day and ready for a trip to the beach. We again spent our morning playing Wii. After Mario (me) won the first game, Olivia says to me "Mommy I am so said that you beat me up" I guess I will spend the afternoon teacher her that you beat someone in a game not beat them up!