Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter Weekend

Olivia loves the holidays! She had a busy Easter week. We colored about 4 dozen eggs and she still asked to color more.... She visited with the Easter Bunny and had her picture taken. She went to the New Albany Easter egg hunt with her cousin Emily and Grandma. She had so much fun. They bounced in the bounce house, spent lots of time with the fire men in the smoke house and the fire truck, watched the parrot from the zoo and played on a school bus. Then they had an egg hunt at Grandma's house. She had another hunt at home that night and loved getting her basket on Sunday morning. The weather has been warmer so in between rain and storms we have been outside playing. She mastered her 2 wheeler bike this week (with training wheels) and now I have to jog on our walks. It has been a busy but fun week.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Easter is almost here and Olivia has been to 2 eggs hunts so far. Tonight she went to Texas Roadhouse with her dad and Andy the Armidillo helped her at the egg hunt. She won a few kids meals as well as candy and a Dora frisbee. Tonight while we were playing "waitress and chef" she took my order and then made me some soup. She asked me if I was ready for my soup de jour and told me if so I need to let it cool a minute before I ate. Soup dejour consisted of bath water and red finger paint soap. It was a treat!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The first of April

April is here and we are still waiting on some nice weather. We have had a few days but have spent alot of time indoors. She started April with an Easter Egg hunt at the swimming pool. She was approved to participate with the 5 year olds (this was the youngest group) She did great though and was able to collect 17 eggs while swimming with her plastic bag. She decided to hit the deeper water though and her bag kept filling with water and pulling her under, now we know next year to bring a mesh bag. She turned her eggs in for prizes and had a great time. We also went to see the movie Hop. Her favorite part was the music where she danced in the aisles of the theater. Olivia notices the funniest things. We were driving downtown past the Wonder bakery and she says "whats that smell, it smells like sprinkle donuts" She notices and remembers everything!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The last of March

The end of March brought many things. Olivia went to see her first 3d movie, Mars needs Moms. Rick and I took Olivia to the Circus. Her favorite part were the rides of course and she got her picture taken with one of the pigs from the show! Grandpa came to visit one afternoon and Olivia showed off her many gymnastic skills and jumps. We had a few nicer days so we spent some time outside riding bikes and playing in the sandbox. We both can't wait until the warm weather is here to stay!